Daily Mail: The NO-KNIFE nose job: the revolutionary procedure that smooths out bumps – without surgery


A procedure is helping thousands of people straighten out their bumpy noses – without going under the knife.

The pioneering treatment involves injecting dermal filler into the face to make a smoother line from base to tip. While, in reality, this makes the nose bigger, the more regular appearance can actually make it appear smaller.

Anna Slater opted for the procedure after considering her options.

‘I was teased a lot as a child over the shape of my nose,’ says Anna.

‘So when I got older, I did consider surgery quite seriously.

‘But the surgeon whom I consulted said that he would need to break half of my face to get the desired results, and that really scared me.

Read the whole article: The NO-KNIFE nose job: the revolutionary procedure that smooths out bumps – without surgery

19, August, 2013Grga Borac