Tag: eye bags

Aesthetics Journal: Different Approaches to Treating the Periorbita

Dr Nikola Milojevic explains how dermal fillers, botulinum toxin and plasma can be used to address the signs of ageing in the upper and lower eye   History and overview The history of eyelid procedures dates back to 25 A.D. when Aulus Cornelius Celsus, a Roman philosopher, described the excision of excess skin of the […]

18, January, 2018neekmilo_x186r333

Milo Clinic in Grazia Magazine– The Rise of the Tweakment

We are proud to inform you that Dr Milojevic and the Milo clinic were featured in last week’s Health and Beauty section of the Grazia magazine on page 136. Over the last couple of years , Dr Milojevic has been working very hard indeed at developing his techniques for non-surgical eye bag removal (“the tear […]

31, March, 2010Grga Borac