Tag: sculptra

What is the best dermal filler? September 2009 UPDATE

Dear Readers A golden rule of blogging, especially for blogs such as this survey blog which I wrote about 1 year ago, is that you have to update them from time to time. This couldn’t be more true for this specific blog, especially because my opinions on what indeed is the best dermal filler have changed […]

20, September, 2009neekmilo_x186r333

What is the best Dermal Filler?

I have wanted to write this blog for a long time , about botox’s slightly less famous but equally brilliant brother. Dermal fillers complement botox so well in the wonderful world of non-surgical rejuvenation. They remove wrinkles and folds, they contour and shape the aging face,they correct facial assymetries,  they help to create  the non-surgical facelift and they fight side by side […]

05, November, 2008neekmilo_x186r333