Wrinkle relaxing injections

Are you after a botox treatment in London? Botox in the UK or England? Well this wonderful aesthetic treatment which magically erases wrinkles really has now become a part of everyday life. London has quintessentially become the town of botox!! As I used to write in my many blogs over the years,the future has arrived and botox in London and indeed in many other parts of the UK and also the world, has become a necessity for many, an essential accessory for 21st century women and men throughout the world.

I always used to say that one day towns like London would have a botox dotor, or wrinkle doctor on every street corner, that botox in London and many other cities would be available just like haircuts at hairdressing salons, facials atbeauty salons or tooth fillings at dentist clinics. That it would be just as normal to go to your botox doctor in London, and remove your wrinkles in the lunchbreak, as it would be to style your hair, wax your legs or fix your teeth. Well dear readers, “back to the future”, we are I think there. Botox , especially in a massive wonderful town like London has become a part of everyday life..Indeed, botox in Manchester, botox in Liverpool, botox in Birmingham, botox in Leeds, botox in Brighton, botox in Surrey, botox in Essex or Sussex, and many other corners of the UK can now really be found on every street corner…Fact!

But has it gone too far? Well yes, your blogger would certainly say that it has, with botox in London being offered in beauty salons, Boots, Harrods, Harvey Nichols, and many other big brand stores around the UK. Being offered by unqualified people like nurses, beauticians and even (so I heard) tattoo artists. And even though I really do think that botox in London, and other cities should be available and accessible  freely to all, there are over 200,000 doctors in the UK, and these wonderful procedures, as easy as they are, need great skill and experience to perform. I therefore welcome recent legislation by the government and the GMC, which now really means that legally speaking only doctors should be performing this procedure. I am glad that Dr Hillary Jones, on Good Morning Britian is warning viewers to reserach their doctor, to only have their botox in London, in Manchester etc, at a registered clinic of great repute, and I must say that there are many of these in London and in the UK. Botox in Harley street for instance, is available at many many brilliant clinics always check out your doctor dear reader, google and the internet have an ocean of information these days!

But back to botox, back to botox in London, botox in Birmingham, botox on every street corner. Why do I think that this is the case? Why do I think that everybody wants and is having botox?

Well, we have finally taught the general public that botox is not a poison, that it is a brilliantly safe and organic substance. We have shown, that botox does not have to freeze the face, change the facial expressions, because with our brilliant new techniques of baby botox, micro botox, mini botox, we can now achieve brilliant natural , refreshing results, in your lunchbreak. We can treat frown lines, forehead lines, crows feet, tighten the neck and jowls with the Nefertiti neck lift, lift the eyebrows, narrow the face with masseter injections, lower the lip in the gummy smile,raise the tip of the nose,remove smokers lip lines,  raise the corners of the lips, improve the appearance of the “turkey” neck, stop sweating, stop migraines….The magical possibilities are endless…

I know there is a recession, but botox prices in London, and elsewhere are not too high. In fact, believe it or not botox costs in towns like Manchester are slightly higher than botox in London, but still very affordable. In a recession (which we have come out of today apparently according to Sky News as I write this blog), it is important to people to look their best, not frowning, awake, fresh, because it is just these people who win jobs at interviews believe it or not.. And botox for depression? Well there is increasing evidence that it is good for that too!! Another way to pull us out of recession!

And which is the best brand of botox?! Well that is a blog all of it’s own, but we now have available: Botox  from Allergan (the original and in my opinion still the best), Azzalure from Galderma (brand new, fresh and very good), Dysport (good for hyperhydrosis), Bocouture (also known as Xeomin, from Merz, doesn’t need the fridge!), and many more including some horrible Korean , Russian brands…

So don’t just choose an experienced botox doctor in London or a city of your choice, also check what botox they are using.

But I digress, botox in London, Manchester, Birmingham and all other UK cities is alive and kicking a part of everyday normality, safe, painless (yes do choose a doctor with a light hand, it makes a difference), and botox in London, in Harley street, botox in Knightsbridge, botox in Chelsea, Guildford, Richmond is now as essential to people as buying the new Iphone 5 (and the botox waiting time is slightly lower!), and indeed is just as wonderful. Welcome my dear readers to the future, the future of the slower moving sands of time, all because of wonderful botox!

26, October, 2012neekmilo_x186r333