We are proud to announce that Dr Nick Milojevic has been chosen by Q-med, the makers of restylane, perlane and macrolane, to be their UK expert for non-surgical rhinoplasties. A non-surgical rhinoplasty is a nose shaping procedure using a dermal filler only and no need for a scalpel. The procedure is quick and painless and […]
Dear Readers A golden rule of blogging, especially for blogs such as this survey blog which I wrote about 1 year ago, is that you have to update them from time to time. This couldn’t be more true for this specific blog, especially because my opinions on what indeed is the best dermal filler have changed […]
MoreDear Readers (Dragi citatelji, pacijenti i blogasi!) , evo mog prvog bloga na Hrvatskom!(djelomicno!) Below is a news article/blog in Croatian, about a recent biographic interview in Croatia’s leading magazine, Globus, about Dr Nick Milojevic and his father Prof Bosko Milojevic. The translation of the headline in Croatian would read something like :” The heir […]
MoreBelow is today’s article in the Guardian Newspaper asking the question : “Why do politicians sweat so much?” Triggered by sweaty politicians trying to explain away the Lockerbie fiasco, the Guardian reporter called us asking what does cause sweating, and is botox really the answer? Our very own Dr Nick Milojevic (the eagle eyed readers among […]
MoreIn September’s issue of the Company magazine, Dr Nick Milojevic gave an in depth interview discussing the terrifying advent of websites promoting DIY botox. These are websites selling cheap, stolen and quite probably contaminated botox, and they come with face maps, needles and syringes, telling the prospective DIY patient where and how to inject the toxin. E-Bay […]
MoreBreaking News! Gordon Ramsey recently admitted to having botox ! I never thought I would see the day! Gordon is quoted as saying ““Anyway, I was getting a complex for the first time in my life, so I did it. Botox. A jab here and one here. And no one has f****** noticed.” My patients have so often […]
More“Though it may have passed many readers by, to millions of women it is, quite simply, the most famous face peel in history. It occurs in episode 71 of Sex And The City, when the man-eater Samantha, determined to look fabulous for her friend Carrie’s glamorous book-launch party, decides to have a chemical peel. ” […]
MoreWe are very excited to announce that we have introduced Restylane Lidocaine at the Milo clinic . Restylane lidocaine is the new dermal filler launched by Q-med last month. So what is the difference between this new filler and the traditional restylane and perlane dermal fillers? This is exactly the same filler as the old […]